Saturday 21 January 2012

Emedinews:Insights on Medicolegal issues:Witness –doctor “selling his testimony

In United States today the liveliest intra-professional and inter-professional discussion resolved about the witness –doctor “selling his testimony “as a witness for either party on payment.  The modern court has warned of this danger, said put the role of medical witness in its true perspective. Doctor as expert/forensic witness is a part of trial apparatus of court in finding the whole medical truth and facts and every possible step should be taken to channel his contribution in a direction that will serve to achieve truth and justice in the court of law if such medical witness will be paid from one party then how he/she will be towards the whole truth of medical perusal. One such step suggested by the American court is to make/treat the expert medical witness reports as non-partisan, objective and scientific as are the notable activities of his profession.  

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