Thursday 5 April 2012

Emedinews: Insights on Medicolegal Issues:During autopsy clean, wide mouthed glass bottles fitted with glass stoppers of one liter capacity should be used for the preservation of viscera

·       Rubber inserts should preferably not be used under caps.
·        20-30 ml of Blood taken from femoral artery or vein by per skin puncture should be collected in 60ml screw-capped bottles or in plastic capped tubes/ 10 mg of sodium or potassium fluoride per ml of blood should be added in blood for preserving blood.
·       20-30 ml of Urine is obtained from direct puncture of the bladder during the postmortem examination  with a syringe and needle and should be collected in 60 ml screw-capped bottles or in plastic capped tubes  and preservative 20-30mg of thymol blue or boric acid or acetic acid should be added as preservative
·       Saturated sodium chloride solution (common salt.) for all the visceral samples for chemical/toxicological examination
·        If there is an associated history of death due to acid intoxication then all the samples should be preserved in rectified spirit.

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