Saturday 25 August 2012

Emedinews:Insights on Medicolegal Issues:What are the viscera samples to be taken for chemical analysis by the doctor conducting the autopsy?

What are the viscera samples to be taken for chemical analysis by the doctor conducting the autopsy?
The majority of poisons are taken orally and the poison due to water content/liquids is likely to be present in the stomach and intestinal contents and their walls. After absorption all poison pass through the liver, which is the major detoxifying organ in the body and has the power of concentrating many poisons and making them identifiable when the blood and urine concentrations may have declined to very low levels. The kidney, being the organ of excretion, contains large amounts of poison, which is excreted into the urine. The following viscera are preserved in case of any suspected or evident case of death due to poisoning.
  • Stomach and its contents. If the stomach is empty the wall should be preserved.
  • Upper part of small intestine about 30 cm long with its contents
  • Liver about 500 grams.
  • One kidney or half of each kidney
  • Brain in case of alcohol death
  • Blood 100 ml/minimum 10 ml
  • Urine 100 ml

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