Tuesday 20 November 2012

Emedinews:Inspiration:Reflections of a Girl

An Inspirational Story

I am a teenage girl - a Mormon girl.
I stand before the mirror of life and ponder the reflection I see.
For the moment I stand on Life's dividing line.
Behind me, the Yesterday of years without caring; before me, the vague Tomorrow of sharing. Today seems akin to neither.
I am no longer a child, not yet a woman, but the last reluctant bonds of childhood still cling, as I strive to heed the inner urge of womanhood.
Help me understand the image that I see! - The reflection of the child I was - the girl I am - the woman I'll soon be.
I am bewildered, but dare not confess it. I am frightened, but dare not admit my fright. Sometimes I seem lost and must trust in reassurance from above, for no one understands.
I have donned a new mantle of dignity, but I have not yet learned how to wear it.
Help me catch the vision of the woman I'm meant to be, for looking in the mirror of life a girl is all I see.
Somehow I sense that I am a person of importance; I am destined to be part of the Tomorrow that lies before me.
I shall be Tomorrow’s wife; the mother of Tomorrow’s sons and daughters.
I am tomorrow!
I am a teenage girl - a Mormon girl.
I stand before the mirror of life and joy in the reflection I see ---
I am a daughter of deity!
Adapted From The Adolescent Girl (Author Unknown) 

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