Tuesday 13 March 2012

Emedinews:Insights on Medicolegal issues: Cross–examination Debate For Standards Of Medical Care

The cross–examination format involves eight speeches and four cross–examination sessions. The first four speeches are designated as constructive speeches. These are longer speeches, and are open to new lines of argument at any point in time. The final four speeches are designated as rebuttal speeches. These shorter speeches are reserved for summaries, which mean they are not open to new lines of argument. Interspersed between the constructive speeches are short cross–examination sessions, in which the debater who has just finished speaking is questioned by an opponent. During the course of the medical debate, each debater will deliver a constructive speech, a rebuttal speech, be cross–examined by an opponent and cross–examine an opponent. The order of speech is arranged to give the affirmative the open and closing speeches in the debate. 

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