Tuesday 4 September 2012

Emedinews:Insights on Medicolegal Issues:Medical negligence can manifest in number of ways

Doctors and nurses nowadays are often overburdened with an understaffed emergency department and long hours – ripe conditions for a deadly medical mistake.
One of the most common is misdiagnosis, or failure to diagnose. Cases of misdiagnosis occur when a doctor misreads a patient’s symptoms or overlooks an essential facet of their condition. Failure to diagnose is a closely related error, which can turn fatal if the underlying disease is serious enough, such as with heart disease or cancer.

A major source of medical negligence is surgical error. About 12,000 patients are subjected to unnecessary surgery every year. Surgical errors may involve forgotten equipment inside the body, malfunctioning or poorly monitored equipment during surgery, or unnecessary surgery performed because of an administrative error. Because surgery is by definition invasive and dangerous, errors that occur in the surgical intervention tend to carry lifelong consequences. Experimental surgeries can give rise to wrongful death suits as well, especially if they are performed without due consent or explanation to the patient.

These days, a great number of powerful compounds are used to help minimize pain and induce an unconscious state, and any mistake made with anesthesia can quickly result in catastrophic injury and death.

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