Monday 19 December 2011

Emedinews:Insights on Medicolegal issues:The doctor is not required to make speculation about weapon of offence in a MLC Case the weapon are simple other than defined weapon as dangerous in Indian law.

·    The Section 324 of IPC states that any instruments for shooting, stabbing, cutting or any instruments used as weapons of offence is likely to cause death or by means of fire or any heated substance or by means of poison or any corrosive substance or by means of any explosive or by means of any substance which is deleterious to the human body to inhale, to swallow, or to receive into the blood or by means of any animal. These all will be taken as dangerous weapons.
·         The duty of the attending doctor is to record all the injuries, its dimension as far as possible, and the body parts where the injuries are located the nature of injury whether simple or grievous, caused by sharp/blunt object, age or duration of injury and with the vital parameters like blood pressure, pulse respiration with the mental status
·         When an investing officer came in hospital he needs some specific answer for his legal investigation and to book a case under law of land
·         The injuries present could be a self-inflicted or fabricated one? if yes please mention the forensic justification
  • Is there any signs, symptoms or smell of alcohol or any drug intoxication? If yes please opine about his mental status due the influence of intoxication, please also preserve the sample of blood.
  • Please opine the injured or intoxicated patient is fit for obtaining his statement? If no please give duly reasons and an approximate time interval for medical revaluation for his/her fitness for statement.
  • Is the condition of patient is critical, severe or serious? If so the dying declaration must be recorded by attending doctor before one or two witness. 

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