Thursday 13 October 2011

Emedinews:Insights on Medicolegal issues:Doctor should always document the resuscitative/surgical injuries in case of death of a medico-legal case

Doctor should always document the resuscitative/surgical injuries in case of death of a medico-legal case
The site of rib fractures after heavy blunt thoracic injuries was preferably found in the dorsal region
Doctors must have a complete understanding and clarity about the methods, indications and duration of resuscitation used in a particular case and whether all these have been documented in the clinical sheets or not. Resuscitative attempts may lead to skeletal, cardiac and abdominal viscera injuries. The investigating police officer should make a note on the basis of statements taken from the relative and doctors who attended the deceased and the same should be enclosed in inquest paper before handing them over to the autopsy surgeons.

The injuries produced in human body when attempting for resuscitation pose difficulty in interpretation of injuries noted at post mortem examination or in inquest paper by the investigating law enforcement agency. Before proceeding to make an interpretation, the doctor conducting the autopsy should know if there has been an attempt for resuscitation and who did it and for how long.

• The method generally used for life saving attempts by non-medical persons who are with the critical patient is mouth-to-mouth respiration and manual chest massage which may causes contusions.
• Bag and mask intubations, endotracheal tube, obdurate airway are used for respiratory ventilation.
• The mechanical methods like thumper, active compression-decompression device and defibrillators are used in resuscitation. The closed chest cardiac massage along or with interspersed abdominal compression is also used for resuscitation.
• Injections, closed-chest cardiac massage and other resuscitation procedures to the patients may result in the fracture of a chest vertebra, serial fractures of ribs resulting in an unstable thorax, bilateral hemothorax, tension pneumothorax, rupture of kidney and spleen.
• The site of rib fractures after heavy blunt thoracic injuries was preferably found in the dorsal region.
• The injuries which are received/inflicted on body prior to death are called mortem injuries and may or may not be a contributing factor in causing the death or they may have occurred due to much other reason like resuscitation/transport of sick /ill person for medical care called artifact

(Contributed by Dr Sudhir Gupta)

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