Saturday 22 October 2011

Emedinews:Insights on Medicolegal issues:How will a doctor diagnose a fabricated bruise?

Some irritant substances like juice of marking nut, used by washer men for marking the clothes is generally used to create false bruise. Juice of marking nut when applied to the skin produces injuries, which look like a bruise.

• Fabricated bruise is self-made or false injury produced by a man or woman itself or by the help of some person with malign intention to make false allegation of being injured by someone for framing someone in false criminal offences.
• These false contusions are produced with a malign intention to support a false allegation or charge of criminal infliction of injury and are seen in many occasions in medical practice. These juices are also used to produce false bruises in female private parts, arms pits to make a false allegation of rape.
• These injuries are very superficial and on close examination are found to be granulated. They are always present on accessible parts of the body; but, in same cases, false bruise may be created on non-accessible part of the body, mostly with the help of somebody.
• The false bruise is usually very small in size, may be multiple in numbers with absence of continuity in each other and can be differentiated on examination.
• The color photographs of injuries should be taken as a part of medico legal report.
• If the examining doctor is in a dilemma about false bruise, he must refer the case to a forensic doctor for further medicolegal opinion

(Contributed by Dr Sudhir Gupta)

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